Thursday, January 31, 2013


4dp5dt. Nothing. I feel nothing. I always want to feel a sign and really wanted to this time. I just feel tired and kind of crampy from the enormous amounts of crinone inside of me. Can anyone tell me if they have ever felt signs?

I am also trying to remain positive but have already accepted that there is a possibility that I will have to do this again and maybe again after that.

I just want it to be over and to be pregnant. I do positive thinking, I am grateful for what I have. But this level of treatment without success borders on cruel.

It is going to be a long week until beta on Wednesday!


  1. I haven't been through this but just wanted to say it's really early, so just hang in there!

  2. It is just so hard to know what might be symptoms vs. side effects from the hormones. The waiting definitely sucks. We just want to know already!!!!

    Ugg. I absolutely don't like the Crinone. It's hard for me to say this, but I actually prefer the PIO injections. Hopefully your body doesn't reject the Crinone like mine does.

    Hang in there! I can't wait to read about the results on Wednesday!

    1. thank you so much. you are correct in some ways the pio is easier! i cant complain besides the grossness, my body accepts the crinone just fine. thanks for the well wishes

  3. I can't really answer this question since I haven't ever managed to get pregnant. Just wanted to offer my support and good vibes. It does still seem early to know/feel anything. Wednesday will be here before you know it.

    1. thank you for the reassurance and the good vibes!

  4. I have had cycles where I felt symptoms and other where I haven't. I know it is hard but try to take a deep breath and know you are doing everything possible for this little one to stick.

  5. I didn't have symptoms, and I wasn't pregnant... but I can totally relate to how you are feeling... sending you lots of good vibes!!

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