Monday, February 25, 2013


I had to stop taking synthroid. My rash grew to a full blown swollen cheeks and face and painful to the touch. the one RE I spoke to was a jerk about it and basically said you chose if you want to take it. Yeah, uhm hello I am trying everything, including risking my health, to have a baby I would like to know how this is affecting my chances. My husband and I decided I am going to see a medical endocrinologist to get this figured out. I got tired pretty quick of people asking what was wrong with my face and who knows what the med was doing to my body. I can not stand medication and the fact most doctors dont tell you and down play the side effects and or what else it is doing to you. It aggravates the shit out of me. and infertility is the worse; all they tell you about it is OHSS; I am pretty darn sure that there are way more side effects and things going on fo rmy body than just that possibility. My husband had a good point and reminded me that I dont deserve to walk around looking idiotic; if it is going to work it will work regardless of a slightly elevated thyroid. trust me if i actually was pregnant i would deal with it. but sense I feel like a piece of crap right now after 5 failed ivfs in over a year, i am going to cling to the piece of self esteem that i might have left.

Someone told me kelp helps with thyroid function? does anyone else get any feedback on TSH levels prior to cycling?


  1. Your RE's response really upsets me! What a jerk!
    I'm also dealing with slightly elevated TSH levels, although mine has never been over 3.6 (I believe).
    My acupuncturist recommended to eat more seaweed which I find disgusting. I can’t bring myself to eat more of that stuff. A naturopath I saw a couple of times recommended this product: Thyrocare by Restorative. Also, Donielle at Naturally Knocked Up had recently a serious on how to treat TSH disorders naturally. You might want to check it out.
    One other thing that comes to my mind. Have you ever had your Vitamin D levels checked? I think there are a number of studies showing that insufficient Vitamin D levels can result in hypothyroidism (elevated TSH levels).

    In the end, my TSH went down during a time when my diet wasn’t at its best but it was a time when I worried much less about IF. This was proof to me that I can’t control every corner of my body – so I decided to just accept my slightly sluggish thyroid and live by your husband’s mantra. If it is meant to be it'll happen.

    PS: I think Jen over at My Bum Ovaries used kelp to lower her thyroid levels.

    Good luck to you!

    1. great ideas thank you so very much. i am on vit d as i am always low and i just heard today about kelp..i am going to try it

  2. Okay, so that RE? Yeah be sounds like a real dick. I'm so sorry about the rash. I hope you, or they, can come up with a solution soon. Hugs!!

    1. thank you sweet lady. he means well his delivery was poor

    2. Haha! I can't help but laugh because I called him a dick and you called me a sweet lady :) anyway, I am glad to know he at least means well. Sorry you've bad such awful side effects.

  3. i'm so sorry to hear about the rash and the way your doctor handled the situation. sending love always. i hope you feel better very soon. <3 love and hugs
